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    After 20 long years, Stinky Dog has finally pounced off the page an into the living and breathing world of character animation. Don't be fooled by the excellent quality of these first 2-D animations, as they we're not created by a large team, but instead by myself, a little bit of help from my husband, and one excellent junior animator. We feel these are a tip-top representation of Stinky Dog and his adventures to come. Please make sure to see an example of the story boards (at the bottom of this page) which are the first step (after the concept is written), before the animation work begins. You'll see, I'm untrained in the art of storyboarding...it's a darn good thing I worked with savy animatior.

    Stinky in a Canoe

    Stinky In The Parking Lot

    My Stinky Valentine

    Story Board Examples
    from Stinky In The Parking Lot

    Storyboards are a hand-drawn version of the movie and serve as the blueprint for the action and dialogue.